Using Cogix ViewsFlash 10 and its Survey portlet with IBM WebSphere Portal 8.0 and 9.0


When the Survey portlet is installed in WebSphere Portal, the portlet can include a link to take the survey in maximized mode, or the portlet can embed the survey right in the portal. A Configure mode allow administrators to select what survey to show in the portlet, whether to show it embedded or full-page, and other options.

Installation Summary

Install the WebSphere Portal ViewsFlash.war file as a Web Module.

Use Access / Resource Permissions to define who can view the surveys using the User Role, and who can configure what survey to show using the Administrator Role.

If running WebSphere Portal in the Secure mode, map the role ViewsFlashUsers to the group All Registered using WAS and restart Portal Server.

Add the Survey portlet to a page. When accessing that portlet as an Administrator, the Configure icon allows selecting which survey visitors will take.

After installation, the portlet is already configured with sample surveys to get you started.


For best results, run Websphere Portal in the protected mode, so that the User ID will be available to the portlet. If it isn't, the portlet will use the User name and last name, if available, and failing that, a session ID.

Continue with Walkthrough.