WebSphere Portal Upgrade

To upgrade ViewsFlash, use WebSphere Administration to update the Web Module.

  1. Check the viewsflash.properties file for a license key of the form
    If you are using that type of key, you need a new style key. Please contact sales@cogix.com, and add your new license key to viewsflash.properties on a single line:


    If you are already using this new style key, there's no need to modify viewsflash.properties
  2. Download the Cogix survey portlet and application, ViewsFlash.war to a /tmp directory.
  3. Go to WebsPhere Portal http://yourportal.com:10039/wps/portal and Log in as the Administrator and click on Administration. On the left hand side bar, click on Web Modules under Portlet Management. Search by Filename starts with "V". Next to ViewsFlash.war, click on the Update web module icon. In the Updating a web module, Step 1: select WAR file page, Browse to /tmp/ViewsFlash.war and press Next, then Finish.
  4. SECURITY NOTE When updating the portlet, WebSphere Application Server may lose Mapping Users to Roles settings necessary to access the application. Before proceeding further, Open the WAS management console at https://yourportal.com:10032/ibm/console

    Open Applications, click on Business-level Applications, and look for ViewsFlash and click on the name. Once you select ViewsFlash off the list you are presented with General Properties please click on ViewsFlash in the Deployed assets table.

    Once you reach the configuration page click on the link for 'Security role to user/group mapping' in the Detail Properties list.

    Check to see if the role ViewsFlashUser is mapped to "All Authenticated in Application's Realm". If it is already mapped do nothing. If not, click on the check box next to the role ViewsFlashUser and select "All Authenticated in Application's Realm" from the "Map Special Subjects" drop down. Press OK. You should immediately see a message "Changes have been made to your local configuration (if you do not, stop and check the WebSphere Application Server logs for error messages, and make sure the latest patches have been applied). Click Save to apply changes to the master configuration". Click on Save, then press the Save button.

    When that completes, WebSphere Portal Server must be restarted for the changes to take effect. Do not proceed any further with the Survey portlet until WebpShpere Portal Server has ben restarted.
  5. After the upgrade, the portlets should function normally.