Localization Guide


See also: Internationalization for how to create surveys in multiple languages.

ViewsFlash comes configured with English as its native language. This section describes how to configure it for a different default language.

Changing the default questionnaire language. In this example, we use GB2312 Chinese.

  1. By default, the ViewsFlash application encodes all pages as UTF-8. If this needs to be changed, include in viewsflash.properties:
    With this setting, all application pages will accept this encoding by default, and survey forms will accept this character set without having to use the Language page.
  2. Open the directory ViewsFlash/WEB-INF/classes/com/cogix/vwflanguage. Copy Text.properties to Text_en.properties. This file contains messages such as "Please answer this question", which are shown to respondents when appropriate. Translate the values in Text.properties into the desired native language and save the file using Unicode Encoding. If you need to translate these into additional languages, name the files Text_de.properties for German, for example. These messages are used in the Styles to provide the text for default buttons and validation messages. However, the preferred way to translate messages is to use the Messages page for the survey in that language.
  3. Open the directory ViewsFlash/WEB-INF/classes/com/cogix. Copy Portlettext.properties to Portlettext_en, if this file is present. If it is not, omit this step (this file is included only with the Cogix Survey Portlet for JSR168 compatible portals). Translate the values in Portlettext.properties into the desired native language and save the file using Unicode Encoding. If you need to translate these into additional languages, name the files Portlettext_de.properties for German, for example. See the Internationalization section of your portal user guide for more details.
  4. Questionnaire publication dates are represented in a form that is appropriate to the application's Locale, as set in the application server. A user can change the format and time zone of these dates by using My ViewsFlash.

Style templates

Style templates use [/lookupi18n] tags that automatically translate the Next, Submit, and other buttons and language-specific messages. These tags use the Text.properties files described above.

Translating the entire ViewsFlash application.

It is possible to create a completely localized version of the ViewsFlash application. For further information, please contact Cogix.

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